Can two people really coexist and maintain a relationship in such a manner?
Sometimes after you did something really stupid, you look at yourself in the mirror and wonder why you’d do such a thing. And you just can’t figure out the reason. Is it really because you don’t know the answer, or are you just living in self denial? Ignoring the obvious because it’s something you don’t want to admit. Hoping it would all go away, but it doesn’t…
What’s the matter now girl? It was meant to be like that right from the start and you know it very well. Who are you to probe further? All the words you said are replaying in my mind like a spoilt record player.
Time’s up.
Finally the long awaited holidays are here. But it doesn’t seem to be something to be excited about. Tests and project deadlines loom ahead, better start getting prepared early.
Hiphop III ended at long last, time for open classes! =D empty saturdays. KPOP anyone? ;)))
Two weeks of holidays is super short, and it’s gna be over in no time. There’s still so many things I wna doooo :( Hopefully it’d be a fruitful holiday!
i’m back stalkers;
Small little things, when snowballed, it's gna be like credit card debt.