So here I am again, to seek that much needed bit of solace from writing. For the past few days, I have been lost in a myriad of thoughts and unnecessary thoughts. I am thankful for last night, it started off boring but took a twist towards the end. Exhausting but it cheered me up a little. Have you ever had that feeling, that no matter how hard you try you still feel like you’re not good enough? Yeah, this feeling has been so overwhelming these days. And I wonder why, though I should probably know the answer. A little stress is good, but have I been giving myself superfluous stress?
Every human being has expectations for everything. But how do we decide how far we could go with expectations, and to what extent will expectations remain healthy? Simply put, how are we to decide if we’re expecting too much and how much, is too much?
Someone once taught me that too much expectations in a relationship will bring it down. Instead of appreciating, you start to expect the other party to do things for you. Why am I expected to do this and that, and not be allowed to expect too much from others? And the only reason why we have expectations, is because that is something that matters to us, something we hold dear. Because I don’t think we would bother to have expectations for something we don’t care about.
Dispiritedness. Forlorn ; heartache. Did you feel my blues from so far away?